1979 Tour, Day 15
Singapore 25/1/1979 - ready for the trip back to Sydney. Left to right: Norm King, Athol Charlesworth, Bill Sorenson (snake man), Reg Napper (has just let his bird of paradise escape) - Batik colourful safari jackets - Ron Maston just makes the scene on the extreme right.
1) NX36471 - KING, Norman Leo (Norm), L/Cpl. - D Company, 17 Platoon
2) NX36524 - CHARLESWORTH, Athol McNeil, Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
3) NX47521 - SORENSON, William George (Sorro or Bill), Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
4) NX47853 - NAPPER, Reginald (Reg), WO2 - D Company, 16 Platoon
5) NX70458 - MASTON, Ronald Harry (Bomb Happy), Capt. - C Company, 2 l/c
Included in the report of the 2/30 Bn Group Tour to Malaysia and Singapore. See details in Makan 248, Day 15, 25/1/1979.