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Makan - No. 78
1st May, 1953

Official Organ of the 2/30th Bn. A.I.F. Assn


Dear Dig,

Alex Dandie was last seen heading for the far south coast on a camping holiday. His nerves have been so bad that he jumps a foot in the air if one says "Good Morning" to him, whilst the subject of the High Cost of Living is enough to put him to bed for a week. He hopes to regain his health in the quietness of the bush far from the turmoil of the city.  Jacko Jackson of Chatswood, a regular customer of the local R.S.L. Club is playing good golf. He recently won the 1952-53 R.S.L. B. Grade Golf Championship. The trophy, a beautiful coffee set was presented at the  annual ball.

We recently had the pleasure of renewing acquaintance with Spider Webb of H.Q. Company. Spider works as a barman at Yenda so is always in good spirits although his health is nothing to write home about. He is married with a family, is paying off his own home and is happy enough for two men.

John Gaden and his charming wife Elaine, spend their leisure time in the garden or cruising around in their little car. Both are wedded to the North Shore line and they hope to build their own home later.

Jack Korn of South Lismore is working on the railway at Lismore and strangely enough is unmarried. Jack likes the open life and revels in the heat of the summer on the North Coast.

Ron Kentwell is one of the latest to become a Life member. Ron is a builder, formerly of Castle Hill, but for the last 12 months he has been working at Walcha. He and his wife are living in caravan which they find most convenient as Ron’s work entails a lot of shifting around. At first they planned to remain in Walcha for one Winter only but the work is fairly plentiful so they will extend their stay there. They have not been unduly inconvenienced by the Winter weather at Walcha because they find it hard to distinguish between winter and summer.

Bruce Upcroft, now living in Hobart has had a lot of bad luck over the last few years. You may recall that his wife was badly smashed in a car accident about 3 years ago and it has taken all this time to finalise the legal fight for damages. Unfortunately Bruce lost the case and now stands horrified at the solicitors costs he has accumulated. From the tone of his letter Bruce is not bubbling over with enthusiasm for Hobart. It’s too far from the surf, too cold in the winter and too remote from Sydney.

Frank Hayes, ex “A" Coy, and Bill Gilligan, ex "B” Coy are both lining in Tasmania. They are not yet members of our Association which is a pity as they both have many friends who would like to hear of them.

These country boys allow nothing to step in their way when a gathering of old friends is mooted. Ray Michell of Tamworth writes of such a reunion at Inverell, held on the day of the election. He was there together with a bunch of lads from surrounding districts but poor old Wal Eather was a returning officer at Tamworth that day and was unable to attend.

Two very important arrivals came on the scene recently and they are worthy of special note. Bob Jack's wife presented him with a baby daughter, in appearance thank heavens, like her mother and not like her father. It is their first baby, we hope the first of many and as with all first babies there has been a great deal of excitement in the Jack household. The other arrival is an important one and we are happy to record that Sid Grounds and his wife now have a baby son in their house. You may remember that Sid and his wife had the extreme bad luck to lose their first baby soon after birth. It is all the more reason for us to be pleased now at their good fortune. The new son is very much like your deceased friend Arthur English who died while we were away. Sid Ground's wife is Arthur’s sister.

The General Meeting was a great success. The attendance remained only at about 35 and the beer remained at it’s usual best. We began in very sober fashion and in one way the meeting was disappointing as there were no contentious arguments raised. We all stood up and patted one another on the backs but we could not find a single thing to argue about. The meeting itself finished in quick time but the unofficial part finished in slow time. We left very late and very happy. To give you some idea of the state of the parties, your learned and sober friend Major Johnston left his new Trilby hanging on the peg. As we were leaving the hall Gordon McKnight handed out to all and sundry large bags of the choicest tomatoes which he had grown on his own property. It was a very thoughtful gesture and was much appreciated the next morning by the wives of the members. Gordon was considerate enough to even bring his own bags.

Ross Hutton has been working for the County Council for the last two years and hopes to be working for them for the next 30 years. He has never been in better health in his life and has just finished a 3 weeks drive to Adelaide and return as a little holiday.

Ernie Stratford is managing the Co-op Meat Pool at Mullumbimby where he has been for more than 5 years. He is fairly fit and plays tennis and cricket during the season. Ernie is married and has a 2 years old son. He often sees Harry Riches as Harry’s son has a farm about half a mile distant from him.

It is with regret that we heard of the death of Louis Rouane (sic: Ruane) recently at Yaralla Hospital. Louis was an original member of the Unit but left us at Bathurst in the "great purge." He was a fine fellow and up to the time of his leaving us he was a runner of "C" Company. He fought in the Middle East and later in the Islands. His body was taken to Lismore (his home town) for burial. The Association extends its deepest sympathy to his next of kin.


This will be your second last notification of the Annual Ball which will be held this year in the Coronet Restaurant, George Street near Wynyard Station, on June 6th. It is hoped that this year the attendance at the Ball will be the greatest yet. We urge you to make every effort to come along with your wife and your friends. For reservations ring Johnnie Parsons at BW4401.

Send along your subs to Reg Ellis NOW

Cheerio for now,


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