Anzac Day, Sydney, 194?
This photo was probably taken at an Anzac Day march in Sydney in the late 1940's. Some of the men are wearing rosemary in their lapels, as by that stage, they had not been issued with their medals.
Nearest line to the camera, from front to rear:
1) Unknown (in uniform)
2) NX32306 - MACIVER, Donald Gunn (Bluey), Cpl. - HQ Company, Mortar Platoon (dark suit, wearing a hat)
3) Unknown (light colour trousers, dark jacket, wearing a hat)
4) Unknown (dark colour suit, wearing a hat)
5) Unknown (dark suit with vest, wearing a hat)
6) NX54846 - ARNEIL, Stanley Foch (Horse), Sgt. - A Company, 7 and 8 Platoon (tall man second from the rear)
7) Unknown (behind Stan Arneil)
2nd line from camera (from front to rear):
1) Unknown (wearing hat)
2) NX2501 - OVERETT, Arthur George McKay, Pte. - BHQ. Battalion Store (light coloured suit, without a hat)
3) Unknown (without hat)
3rd rank (from the front):
1) Unknown (wearing hat)