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Singapore Memorial, Columns 131 and 132
Kranji War Cemetery 21/1/1979 - names in the two inner columns under the wording "2nd/30th Bn. Australian Infantry" some of those men of the Battalion whose remains were not recovered and hence not buried in a War Cemetery.
Left column:
1) NX33631 - BEALE, Edward Ernest (Ted), Lt. - C Company, O/C 13 Platoon
2) NX32588 - CLEMENS, Percival Webster (Mick), Lt. - C Company, O/C 13 Platoon
3) NX68127 - SMYTH, Frank Miles (Wakey Wakey), Lt. - A Company, CSM Platoon
4) NX54034 - CHRISTOFF, George Joseph, Sgt. - HQ Company, Carrier Platoon
5) NX2507 - THOMAS, Lemuel Charles Herbert, Pte. - HQ Company, Signals Platoon
6) NX47951 - NAGLE, Athol Gervase, L/Sgt. - B Company, Ord. Room
7) NX32458 - ALEXANDER, Maxwell Arnold (Max), Cpl. - D Company, 17 Platoon
8) NX33099 - ENRIGHT, Arthur Clarence, Cpl. - HQ Company, Carrier Platoon
9) NX51931 - McGREGOR, Albert George, S/Sgt. - B Company, Coy. HQ
10) NX73197 - SHARPE, Frederick Clifford, Cpl.
11) NX37486 - AUSTIN, Claude, L/Cpl. - D Company, 17 Platoon
12) NX54837 - BLACKWOOD, Lindsey Burns (Dicey), L/Cpl. - A Company, 8 Platoon
Right column:
1) NX47702 - CAVANAUGH, Charles, Pte. - C Company
2) NX879 - CEELY, Kenneth Mathers, Pte. - 2/20 Battalion
3) NX47528 - CHOAT, George James, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
4) NX26712 - COCHRANE, John Reuben (Joe), Pte. - B Company, 11 Platoon
5) NX27464 - COLLETT, Frederick George (Fred), Pte. - B Company, 10 Platoon
6) NX49087 - COOKE, Lionel Leslie, Pte. - D Company
7) NX50165 - CROUCH, Stanley Herbert, Pte. - A Company, 8 Platoon
8) NX37588 - FERGUSON, Ronald John, Pte. - C Company, 14 Platoon
9) NX37481 - FOSTER, Robert Edward, Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
10) NX69880 (QX3831) - FRANKLIN (LAURENT), John Allen (John Clive), Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
11) NX51831 - GALBRAITH, William Martin (Bill), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
12) NX47801 - HARRINGTON, Ernest Clarence (Ernie), Pte. - HQ Company, Carrier Platoon
13) NX46078 - HAYNES, John, Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
14) NX14458 - HENDRY, James Matthew, Pte. - D Company
15) NX21437 - HOLDEN, Hector James (Eck), Pte. - B Company, 10 Platoon
16) NX27191 - HUDSON, William Michael Charles (Bill), Pte. - BHQ, Intell.
17) NX29189 - JAMES, Ronald Taylor, Pte. - A Company, 9 Platoon
18) NX37733 - JOYCE, Ronald Joseph, Pte. - HQ Company, Mortar Platoon
19) NX48699 - KELLY, Percival Ross, Pte.
20) NX27010 - LANDOW, Morris Louis (Ned), Pte. - BHQ, Cook Sgts. Mess
21) NX37493 - LUCAS, Dick, Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
22) NX47270 - McGLINCHY, Eric Gordon, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
Included in the report of the 2/30 Bn Group Tour to Malaysia and Singapore. See details in Makan 248, Day 11, 21/1/1979.