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Japanese $100 Note - side 1
Signed by members of D Company at Changi in late 1944 or early 1945.
Signatures identified are:
NX47750 - BRACE, Albert Ernest (Snowy), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX36202 - BROWN, William Henry (Bill), Sgt. - D Company, 18 Platoon
QX22016 - CRANITCH, Matthew Joseph (Slim), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX41544 - DAVIS, Thomas Gordon, Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
? - EDWARDS, J. (unknown)
NX47271 - ELLIOTT, Lawrence (Bill), Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
NX26230 - FORD, Bruce Victor, A/U/L/Sgt. - D Company, 16 Platoon
NX46158 - GARDNER, Wallace James (Tommy), Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX45449 - GEAR, Neville Lance, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX47319 - GODBOLT, Raymond Cecil (Ray), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX47025 - HAYES, Brian Lindsay, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX49528 - HICKEY, Stanley George (Terry), Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX34500 - HILL, James Oswald (Jimmy), Pte. - HQ Company, Pioneer Platoon
NX37604 - HILTON, Emanuel Patrick (Mick), Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
QX22388 - JONES, Charles William Henry (Chook), Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
NX46076 - JONES, Vincent William Lea (Morgan/Vic), Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX79284 - KUSKEY, Raymond Charles, Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
NX41219 - LOGAN, Haig Lincoln (Jock), Pte. - HQ Company, Tpt. Platoon
NX45717 - MARTIN, Carl Andrew (Kingie), Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
NX53721 - MARTIN, Hugh Tranham (Snow), Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX65549 - MUSGROVE, Sydney Kitchener (Sid), Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
QX18377 - McCALL, Patrick Hugh, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX31419 - McINERNEY, Patrick Joseph, Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX47537 - NEWMAN, John Patrick (Jack), Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX47774 - NEWTON, Earl Spencer, Cpl. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX47185 - OLDKNOW, Norman Dallas (Dal), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX36567 - PARFREY, George Edward , Pte. - D Company, 16 Platoon
NX47570 - ROSS, William Maxwell (Max), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX47913 - SCHUMACHER, Donald Edward, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX29704 - SMITH, Allen Keith, A/L/Cpl. - D Company, Storeman Platoon
NX47568 - STRATFORD, Ernest Thomas, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX60594 - STUART, Lloyd Thomas, Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
NX47539 - TEASDALE, Harry, Pte. - D Company, 17 Platoon
NX73011 - TOMSETT, Jack, Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon