Tamworth Showground
"The cramped situation is visible in this shot taken at the Showground - 6 men to a tent - note the rolled up palliasse in the right foreground. It and the duck-board between the person and the earth. You see here young men who already imagined themselves fully fledged soldiers. You see we had now uniforms and rifles. My rifle number was W8392 - indelibly printed on my memory as was my serial number NX47685. Two of the chaps in the photo, extreme left, Bob Beaty from Branxton and standing, Ron Alexander from Bangalow, were to loose their lives the first day in action."
Left to right:
1) NX47652 - BEATTIE, Robert George (Bob), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
3) NX47685 - WELLS, Robert Frederick (Hook or Bob), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon
4) NX47700 - ALEXANDER, Ronald Norrie Lyle (Ron), Pte. - D Company, 18 Platoon (standing)