


Diary Gemas Day Anzac Day Other


Gardens Day - Annual Remembrance Ceremony

Sunday, 13th October, 2023 - 11.00am

  • 11.00am - Informal ceremony at 2/30 Battalion Memorial, overlooking Woolloomooloo Bay, on Mrs. Macquarie’s Drive.

  • Lunch at Woolloomooloo Hotel after the ceremony.

  • More info

War Widows Day

Saturday, 19th October, 2024

  • "The NSW Government has designated 19 October as a special day for the State to officially recognise war widows and widowers of members of the Australian Defence Force for their contribution and personal sacrifice. "

  • Families of Veterans Guild (formerly known as the War Widows Guild of NSW)

  • Click here for more details

Gemas Day (Pymble)

Sunday, 12th January, 2025 - TO BE CONFIRMED

Fall of Singapore - 83nd Anniversary

Saturday, 15th February, 2025


  • RSL NSW will only be holding a commemoration for the Fall of Singapore on significant anniversaries.


Remembering the Fall of Singapore

Anzac Day (Sydney)

Friday, 25th April, 2025 - Anzac Day March & Lunch - TO BE CONFIRMED

Wreath Laying

  • Wreath Laying at Martin Place Cenotaph at 8.30am  - TO BE CONFIRMED


  • Form up in Phillip Street by 9.30am to march behind the 2/30th & 2/15th flags  - TO BE CONFIRMED




Last updated 08/07/2024